Sub Title

The very purpose of existence is to reconcile the glowing opinion we hold of ourselves with the appalling things that other people think about us.

Quentin Crisp

Monday, May 18, 2009

Provincetown “local seafood” means frozen imports.

Browsing through some Provincetown restaurant websites I noticed so many of their menus state that they have “local” seafood dishes.  The recipes aren’t local and I’ll be damned if the majority of establishments are selling “fresh” local fish.  Most restaurants purchase frozen fish from Asia or Mexico.  Beware of “Maryland Crab”.  It’s probably from a can packed in Asia or Mexico.  Believe me, the crab has never seen the Atlantic.  I know all this because I’ve worked in establishments that have downright lied and made it quite obvious that the waiters must do the same.  If they want a job.

So next time you fork out money to tuck into that “fresh” lobster roll…buyer beware; its probably been frozen.

I don’t know how these restaurants get away with it.  But they do.  One of the many reasons I got out of the foodservice industry in this town.  I’m tired of lying about what’s on the menu.


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