Sub Title

The very purpose of existence is to reconcile the glowing opinion we hold of ourselves with the appalling things that other people think about us.

Quentin Crisp

Monday, May 25, 2009

Boycott Provincetown?

Just read a ridiculous post from a bitter D.J. in Boston who is calling for a boycott of Provincetown because of two girls who were attacked by a homophobe.  It was a terrible event and I hope the girls are alright.  The guy is going to be arraigned on several charges including assault on a police officer.

Back to this D.J.  A season or two ago he was allegedly beaten by police here in town when they went to this house he was spinning at due to complaints about the noise.  I’m not denying that he was roughed up by the police, but that’s old news.  Unfortunately this idiot hasn’t let it go.  He’s calling for a boycott of Provincetown because of the recent crime.

Boycott?!  If we boycotted every place because of crime we’d be locked up in our homes with no where to go.  Provincetown was busy this weekend and will continue to be through the summer with both gay and straight visitors.  I don’t think many people are going to listen to this bitter queen. B.S. You are old news and quite irrelevant!


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