Sub Title

The very purpose of existence is to reconcile the glowing opinion we hold of ourselves with the appalling things that other people think about us.

Quentin Crisp

Friday, December 24, 2010

Oh Christmas.

Only when I was a child did CHRISTMAS stir me. Olde with no family has changed that for many a year now. Always glad when it's over.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

What I want for Christmas.

Won't be going anywhere for the holiday. What I do want for Christmas is the motivation to get this apartment really cleaned and organized. It's a disgrace. I know I'm depressed, but5 I have to snap out of it.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Now.  I've two cigarettes left and the logical thing to do would be to bundle up and go out into the freezing weather and buy more. I'm not going to.  As I'm not going to drink.  It's insane to go out in this cold for a filthy addiction.  There have been time I've gone without for a day or two due to not being able to afford them.  I have the money, but the point is, I can live without them for tonight.

Spending very little time online.  Haven't been on Facebook in about five days, and don't miss it.

Been reading a lot and enjoying that.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Under The Weather

Still feeling under the weather. My appetite is increasing ever so slightly, however I feel ill every time I eat. Coughing here and there. Not very productive one. Trying to keep hydrated and best of all I'm not drinking, which would be the worst thing for my health right now.
Not much use of going online. Reading a good book and enjoying relaxing. For some reason, after sleeping all day, I find I feel much better much later in the evening, which is very welcome, indeed.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Managing to Manage

I managed about four days without a cocktail and I've managed to have a cocktail or two tonight. Didnt start drinking again because I physically need one. There really were no withdrawal symptoms. I'm just bored and looked forward to feeling a little numb and high. It does mean that I'm smoking like a chimney,something I wasn't doing when I wasn't drinking.

Anyway. This isn't meant to be a confession of sin or wrong doing. I have no regrets drinking again, but it does offer some questions of how to get out of this extreme isolation. However, it offers no solution.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Mr. Sandman Is arriving.

Can feel myself nodding off. Thank God. It's almost three!

Night One

One night, no booze And I have insomnia. Sitting with peppermint tea and having a smoke, because there is no way in hell I detoxing from them at the same time.

Took 3mg of Ativan to what seems like no avail right now. Taking a small amount of Nyquil. To hell with it.

On top of everything else, I coughing up shit, and my ankles and feet are in deep pain. A aching pain.
Boy. Am I bitching. And so publicly. Don't care. That's what the blog is partly for; a place to rant.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Booze Took A Snooze

One habit down the toilet, now one more to go, in time.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Down The Drain

The cycle must be broken.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Sad to wait for monies.

It's sad to say that I've marked the hours to around 7 before the bank opens and I can cash those two checks. The sum of which comes to around $40.00, money I can damn well use until my UI checks come. Right now no
Milk or coffee or smokes and no decent food to speak of. Guess I tired of living this way over the years. Check to check. But I am grateful if not a little frustrated. And damn, I need a smoke!!

A review!

This is a slightly nasty review, but does make me feel good what with the mood about the place still burning me up.  Think they were a tad nasty, and the restaurant is one of the cleanest in town.  Just spiteful people.  If you’re not going to fill out your profile, but post nasty unsubstantiated reviews, then just stay off these sites like Trip Advisor.

Should I be writing this?

I suppose it’s probably not a good idea to be bitching about one’s former place of work, especially using names.  But then, after some thought, I figure, who the hell cares.  I don’t.  That’s part of the problem at that restaurant.  Everyone’s bitching constantly about this person and that, yet no one speaks up.

I’ve often wondered too, what keeps the same people there year after year, when it’s obvious, myself included, the only good time we have is during our shift drink.  Which we pay for!

Nothing more than a dysfunctional family.

It’s obvious I got up this morning still reeling over the way I was treated by that C.  In a couple of days it will all be forgotten, though the desire to never say a word, go in, or work in that restaurant will never go away.  Those cows really do show their true colors. 

I can also imagine my co-workers putting there two cents in, and bitching about me.  They do it with everyone else.  Why not me.  So, as far as I’m concerned, anyone I worked with at the shitty V’s has no place in my life.

Yep.  Still feeling vindictive today.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

On Not Being Vindictive

After being talked down to by my boss last Sunday, and my requesting my last check be mailed, I finally got it today, Saturday. It was postmarked Friday! I know she was being a real bitch and to top things off I didn't get a bonus, guess because I didn't go in to clean. It's very difficult not to become vindictive. However, it's pointless, making me look like the loser, and it spends a lot of energy I really don't have to waste. Needless to saY I will not be going back to Vorelli's ever again. I'm sick and tired of the nastiness of the owner/manager. They are very angry resentful women. No ladies.
I went through this shit with them couple years ago when I was just released from hospital for mental health issues. Terry criticized my hair, et al. I came home sent them an email and said I would not be returning. Took a year off, and for some stupid reason went back this year. I think I've learned my lesson. I did enjoy working, if anything to service customers and have some laughs with my co-workers. Yet, all in all it's not worth it.
So. So long Vorelli's, keep up the good food, NOT, and continue to hold your employess by the tits and balls. Go to hell. Fuck off!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Damn cold.

So tired of coughing and feeling generally like crap. Indigestion and mental restlessness. Some lifestyle changes are in order.

Today I hate Provincetown

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Happy Veteren's Day

Travelers disembark 'nightmare' cruise amid cheers - Yahoo! News

Seems people took it in stride.  Things happen.  Don’t think it was the cruise lines fault.

Some passengers carried food to others who used walkers and canes and couldn't climb up nine decks of stairs to reach the food lines, Alim said.

Travelers disembark 'nightmare' cruise amid cheers - Yahoo! News

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Windy and Cold In Provincetown


And it’s only November. Winter here we go! Ninja


Map picture

Technorati Tags: , Pulls Pro-Pedophilia Book; "Pedophile's Guide" No Longer Available on Site, Kindle - Crimesider - CBS News Pulls Pro-Pedophilia Book; "Pedophile's Guide" No Longer Available on Site, Kindle - Crimesider - CBS News

I should think so. Took them long enough. Should have never been for sale in the first place and the authorities need to keep a careful eye on the author.


Windy, but so cold in Provincetown. Late and cannot sleep. Restless and thinking too much.

Waking up with a terrible cough again, but will be a fool and buy more smokes. There are supposed to be graphic warning lables on packs come 2012. Will they deter? Who knows.
Cigarette Warning Label Pictures


Testing blog post via email
Test text blogging title defending pedophilia sparks boycott call - title defending pedophilia sparks boycott call -

I just can't imagine what Amazon was thinking. Or not thinking.

Midterm elections offer grim omens for Scott Brown’s future - Alexander Burns -

Midterm elections offer grim omens for Scott Brown’s future - Alexander Burns -

I can't believe voters in this state voted for him. Surely it wasn't his truck!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Keith Olbermann suspended by MSNBC

Keith Olbermann donated to three democrat's campaigns and was suspended by MSNBC for doing so. What a load of bull. He never mentioned this on air, and showed, and has never shown any feelings of favor for any candidate in the mid-term elections. Fox newscasters can do it. Coprorations can do it without naming themselves. MSNBC is being stupid. If for any other reason, their decision will really screw their ratings.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Fighting the Demons

Lqying her after a few drinks and way to many smokes , and thinking how I'm going tonsticknto my guns and do something a about my life and actually do something positive with my life

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Political Ads

There should be a law that says political campaigns can only broadcast one ad an hour. Or better yet, get rid of them all

Sarah Palin gives clearest indication she will run for president in 2012 - Telegraph

God forbid!

Sarah Palin gives clearest indication she will run for president in 2012 - Telegraph

Cell phone 'time traveler' seen in silent film -

As cool as it might sound to see someone using a cell phone in the '20’s, it’s highly unlikely, and is merely a earing aid.  Those tubular instruments.

Check out this site about the history at



Technorati Tags:

PBS, science, myth, technology.

Cell phone 'time traveler' seen in silent film -

Politics in high gear.

Voting is in less than a week and all is in high gear and getting very nasty.  Like so many, I’m sick and tired of the television ads.  Most of them are negative, and many a half-truths.

I know I’m voting, but the sad thing is a majority of Americans won’t get off their fat asses to go to the polls, but will continue to bitch throughout the year about the state of affairs.  Vote, or shut up!

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Dump That Blog

Think I'm going close out my blog the Mahu Scribe. See no sense in paying 11 dollars a month for something I hardly use.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Don't know why Windows Live Writer won't let me post.  Something to do with max reached. All the topics that interest usMarilyn Monroe's chest x-ray sells for a cool $45,000

State aid cut for dental services |

State aid cut for dental services |

The state will save 30 mil by cutting necessary dental care. What they are saying is: "They can't eat meat, so let them eat cake." 30mil. Bastards

Friday, June 25, 2010

MSM Monitor: Provincetown's Perverts

MSM Monitor: Provincetown's Perverts

The guy who wrote this has good points to raise. But 'Perverts" What an A-Hole!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Condom’s In Elementary School!

Buy the exclamation mark in the title, it’s obvious I’m dead against such a stupid plan in Provincetown.  What the hell does a 7th grader need with a condom.  They’re doing it at that age? What were these idiots thinking?  I’m progressive, but that’s pushing it to the limit.

Provincetown has hardly been on the map when it comes to the general population of the States.  Well.  We’re on the map now, and not for the right reasons.  What a shame and a travesty this decision is.

Critical iPhone 4 Issues and Complaints Are Mounting

Critical iPhone 4 Issues and Complaints Are Mounting

Is it any surprise? Even if I had the money I wouldn't buy another Iphone. 1,2,3,4 Not happy with the original I have. Why would these be any better?

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Decision to close bars at 1:45 a.m. stirs up P'town |

Decision to close bars at 1:45 a.m. stirs up P'town |

Greed, and more greed, by one person who simply wants to sell more $9.00 cocktails for as long as he can so "the workers have time to have a drink before they go to bed." BS.
If he cares so much about the workers, he'd see that it means 45 minutes less sleep. And if a worker has to be at work in the morning. Well that sucks!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

An Appetite For The Theatre

I became homeless in London.  By no ones fault but  my own.  I was starving to get into the theater. In my homeless travels, of park benches and empty fruit stalls, I met a very peculiar, nice man.  He gave me a hot bath and all the tea I wanted. He introduced  me to a leading actress who could introduce me to the important people theatre . A man with connections.   His uncle, or great,  worked for the Twining Tea Company.  He had a  closet chock full of Twining tea. I didn’t realize at the time, he had a few tawdry things in that closest as well.  Put it this way, being spanked by someone with influence was not my cup of tea. 

  So.   I ran away.

The Kindle won

The Kindle won

I glad for consumers that the price of the Kindle went down, just like the Iphone. Hate to admit I'm one of the (first adopters) fools who had to have the first Iphone and paid full price for that and the Kindle.
Oh well. I'll wait from now on for price drops.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Hate Provincetown

I hate this town in the summer, what with all the damn construction and the noisy assholes who converge down here. Ready to move.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Oil rig leak could take 2 weeks to plug - Green

Oil rig leak could take 2 weeks to plug - Green

I think extending off shore drilling is the one issue brought up by Obama I'm against and a little disappointed in Obama for even contemplating.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Dying Homeless Man Who Stopped Mugging Ignored on Sidewalk - ABC News

Dying Homeless Man Who Stopped Mugging Ignored on Sidewalk - ABC News

This story makes me SO mad!! It's a wonderful world, but it also sucks sometimes. All those who ignored him should be arrested and put in jail for insensitivity and disgracing the basic decency of the human race.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

obama you're the top, you're the Coliseum
This toilet wall comedy is far from amusing. I never thought
#Kathy Griffin was funny. She tries too hard to be funny, and once again, fails. I take it she's trying to raise awarness, but I suspect this exhibitionismhas more to do with raising hers.. She got mine. She's still not funny. Get the hook.
Free speech isn't free. It costs decency and respect.
New Mexico cat lost for 8 months found in Chicago - then scores free flight home

Read more: +amazing!
George Washington racks up late fees at NY library - U.S. news-

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Tea Party

I'm sure most Tea Party members take their tea White(w/milk). They certainly wouldn't take it black.

IceRocket Tags: ,

Sunday, April 4, 2010

In Easter Mass, Vatican Defends Benedict -

In Easter Mass, Vatican Defends Benedict -

A senior Vatican cardinal defended Pope Benedict during an Easter Mass in St. Peter's Square attended by the pope, dismissing criticism of the pontiff's handling of the sexual-abuse crisis as "gossip."
GOSSIP?? What frigging planet are they on? They should all be strung up in the Basilica.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Singer Badu causes stir with nude video at JFK site - Yahoo! News

I so sick of these media hungry celebrities.  This is way out of bounds.  Aren’t there any boundries and decency left in our society.  It’s seems with the instant media,  anything goes.

Singer Badu causes stir with nude video at JFK site - Yahoo! News

IPad. Too soon to buy.

Still bitter I paid $400.00 for the original IPhone.  But I should have know first generations always cost more.  So, then the price comes way down and several features not on the original are included, such as MMS and 3G.  Well, I’m the fool.  If I had the slightest interest in buying the IPad, I would certainly wait for the second or third generation hoping the price will come down.  Like the IPhone, you can’t use more than one application at a time.  No flash.   A over price gadget.  An IPhone with a bigger screen. A waste of money.

"WSJ: New iPhone coming this summer, and may be coming to Verizon" and related posts (

Friday, March 26, 2010

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Dems. fanning flames?

Yea sure.  Blame it on the Democrats!  Fanning flames?  It’s the GOP fanning the flames.

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Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Rush Limbaugh backs out on promise.

Rush Limbaugh promised to leave the country should Health Care Reform pass.  Is there a direct flight to hell, or will he have to connect in purgatory?

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The Chopra Center Blog � Law of the Day: Tuesday

The Chopra Center Blog � Law of the Day: Tuesday
The law of Karma

The principle of thinking about my actions and separating the good intentions from the bad and thinking before I act is a goal I wouldn't mind achieving.

Monday, March 22, 2010

A Clean Bill Of Health

Finally. A healthcare bill.  Not certain what it all means, but time will tell.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Boy Arrested in Wal-Mart Case in New Jersey

Washington Township police said that a 16-year-old boy had been arrested for using the public-address system at a Wal-Mart to order all blacks to leave the store.

I think arresting him is going a bit too far.

View Original Article

Friday, March 19, 2010

Did Pennsylvania Couple Find Natalee Holloway's Remains? - Associated Content -

Did Pennsylvania Couple Find Natalee Holloway's Remains? - Associated Content -

If this is true, what a break in the case. And maybe a little closure for the family after all these years.

Census 2010

After at least 30 years a census of myself was finally taken.  I was really pissed with this ‘white’ description of my race.  It’s bullshit.  For instance, Italian isn’t listed and they are not white in my mind.