Sub Title

The very purpose of existence is to reconcile the glowing opinion we hold of ourselves with the appalling things that other people think about us.

Quentin Crisp

Saturday, November 13, 2010

On Not Being Vindictive

After being talked down to by my boss last Sunday, and my requesting my last check be mailed, I finally got it today, Saturday. It was postmarked Friday! I know she was being a real bitch and to top things off I didn't get a bonus, guess because I didn't go in to clean. It's very difficult not to become vindictive. However, it's pointless, making me look like the loser, and it spends a lot of energy I really don't have to waste. Needless to saY I will not be going back to Vorelli's ever again. I'm sick and tired of the nastiness of the owner/manager. They are very angry resentful women. No ladies.
I went through this shit with them couple years ago when I was just released from hospital for mental health issues. Terry criticized my hair, et al. I came home sent them an email and said I would not be returning. Took a year off, and for some stupid reason went back this year. I think I've learned my lesson. I did enjoy working, if anything to service customers and have some laughs with my co-workers. Yet, all in all it's not worth it.
So. So long Vorelli's, keep up the good food, NOT, and continue to hold your employess by the tits and balls. Go to hell. Fuck off!

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