Sub Title

The very purpose of existence is to reconcile the glowing opinion we hold of ourselves with the appalling things that other people think about us.

Quentin Crisp

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Should I be writing this?

I suppose it’s probably not a good idea to be bitching about one’s former place of work, especially using names.  But then, after some thought, I figure, who the hell cares.  I don’t.  That’s part of the problem at that restaurant.  Everyone’s bitching constantly about this person and that, yet no one speaks up.

I’ve often wondered too, what keeps the same people there year after year, when it’s obvious, myself included, the only good time we have is during our shift drink.  Which we pay for!

Nothing more than a dysfunctional family.

It’s obvious I got up this morning still reeling over the way I was treated by that C.  In a couple of days it will all be forgotten, though the desire to never say a word, go in, or work in that restaurant will never go away.  Those cows really do show their true colors. 

I can also imagine my co-workers putting there two cents in, and bitching about me.  They do it with everyone else.  Why not me.  So, as far as I’m concerned, anyone I worked with at the shitty V’s has no place in my life.

Yep.  Still feeling vindictive today.

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