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The very purpose of existence is to reconcile the glowing opinion we hold of ourselves with the appalling things that other people think about us.

Quentin Crisp

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Stimulus: How to measure success - Feb. 17, 2009

Stimulus: How to measure success - Feb. 17, 2009

Good job Obama. Of course all the talk and fight will have to end. We now have work to do. I sincerely hope all this works out. Don't think any bill is going to cure the real problem with our economy and nation as a whole. Greed. Not just corporate greed. Whether it' this silly American ideal that says bigger is better. I hope all those people who bought SUV's learned their lesson. Maybe not. They're too busy moaning about the cost of gas.
Then there's the obesity problem in this country. Over size every damn thing in this country.

I'm all for this stimulas package. But I don't think it can stop the CEO from being greedy, or the person eating like a pig, (blaming everyone else for being FAT.) It can't replace a parent reading to their child. Assuming there are any parents left who CAN read.

I'm all for a stimulas package.
A wise supplement to this would be a swift kick in the American ass.

Stop blaming everyone else. Stop feeling guilty for polar bears and penguins. Realize that despite most of you thinking we are the greatest country in the world; we are GOING to die. Just like everybody else.


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