Sub Title

The very purpose of existence is to reconcile the glowing opinion we hold of ourselves with the appalling things that other people think about us.

Quentin Crisp

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Nicotine fits.

This is going on the fourth day without a cigarette.  I'll probably have to wait until tomorrow afternoon when the UI check comes..  I hope.  It could be as late arriving as Thursday so I don't want to get my hopes up about smoking again tomorrow.Perfume won't hide it

Many would say "why don't you quit."  The answer is simple.  I don't want to.  I enjoy smoking.  And so there it is.  I'm not going to feel guilty, or think of myself as something less than those who do not. 

Well.  I don't want to dwell too much on not having a cigarette.  This only makes the withdrawal worse.  I think the chase

after a cigarette I can not afford is worse than not smoking.

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