Sub Title

The very purpose of existence is to reconcile the glowing opinion we hold of ourselves with the appalling things that other people think about us.

Quentin Crisp

Sunday, February 22, 2009

The Inevitable.

Doing my best to avoid the temptation to go out and buy smokes. 

And it’s not easy. :(

At work - The Big Picture -


When the economy makes big news, many photographs of people at work come across the wires, usually to help illustrate a particular story or event. By collecting these disparate photos over the past few months, I found that a global portrait emerged of we humans producing things. People assembling, generating, and building items small and large, mundane and expensive, trivial and important. I hope you enjoy this look into some people's work lives around the world.

By Alan Taylor The Big Picture-

Stuffed animal inspection 

Workers in China inspecting stuffed animals.

Just one of the fascinating pictures of worker making things.

Great article.


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Getting into the habit of posting on this blog seems more difficult than it should be.  Guess I'm really not certain why I'm blogging anyway.  I could as easily keep a journal on my PC and be done with it.  It is fun to comment on news stories.  Chances of anyone reading my blog are slim.  It is, however interesting for me to see what I commented on news wise.

Like writing anything; it helps to keep a routine and write despite feeling as if it were not worthwhile to do so.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Truly a remarkable man.

World distribution of leprosy, 2003.

Image via Wikipedia

Priest Who Aided Lepers to Become Saint    

VATICAN CITY (Feb. 21) - A 19th-century Belgian priest who ministered to leprosy patients in Hawaii will be declared a saint Oct. 11 at a Vatican ceremony presided over by Pope Benedict XVI.


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Wednesday, February 18, 2009

New York Post in racism row over chimpanzee cartoon | World news |


The New York Post and it’s cartoonist are guilty of downright racism!

Killing one bird with too many stones.

Strange title I know.  What I’m trying to get at is it is not recommended to stop smoking and drinking at the same time one is starting new HIV meds and psych meds.  It does no good what’s so ever.  This last week and a half has been nothing but hell.  Physically and emotionally.  I’m still going through it.  Not drinking, because that will make matters worse.  But I am smoking again.  I don’t have to be told how bad they are for me.  Honestly it doesn’t seem to matter when I deal with all the shit that’s pumped into the body that make me feel ill.  So for now I’m going to continue smoking.  Not for my health.  For my sanity.

Indian Matchbook


So. I'm still not smoking but craving one bad. So what else to do?
Find an Indian matchbook cover picture. Link to follow.

State of the Art - Twitter Is What You Make It -

State of the Art - Twitter Is What You Make It -

After a few weeks and very few posts I still don't see what the fuss is.  Will try a little while longer.

Constant Cravings

If I stop thinking about the need to have a cigarette and consider my desire to stay quit, the cravings aren’t so bad. I have an attainable goal.

However, the more I tell myself I have got to have a smoke the harder it is to fight off the cravings.

Honestly I do think it’s a stinky, unhealthy and all around bad habit.

Honestly I enjoy smoking and have no intention to give it up.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Ready to scream . Feel worse than i did when i smoked.

Sent from my iPhone


Testing to see if I can indeed post from Iphone to my blog
Sent from my iPhone

Stimulus: How to measure success - Feb. 17, 2009

Stimulus: How to measure success - Feb. 17, 2009

Good job Obama. Of course all the talk and fight will have to end. We now have work to do. I sincerely hope all this works out. Don't think any bill is going to cure the real problem with our economy and nation as a whole. Greed. Not just corporate greed. Whether it' this silly American ideal that says bigger is better. I hope all those people who bought SUV's learned their lesson. Maybe not. They're too busy moaning about the cost of gas.
Then there's the obesity problem in this country. Over size every damn thing in this country.

I'm all for this stimulas package. But I don't think it can stop the CEO from being greedy, or the person eating like a pig, (blaming everyone else for being FAT.) It can't replace a parent reading to their child. Assuming there are any parents left who CAN read.

I'm all for a stimulas package.
A wise supplement to this would be a swift kick in the American ass.

Stop blaming everyone else. Stop feeling guilty for polar bears and penguins. Realize that despite most of you thinking we are the greatest country in the world; we are GOING to die. Just like everybody else.


Nicotine fits.

This is going on the fourth day without a cigarette.  I'll probably have to wait until tomorrow afternoon when the UI check comes..  I hope.  It could be as late arriving as Thursday so I don't want to get my hopes up about smoking again tomorrow.Perfume won't hide it

Many would say "why don't you quit."  The answer is simple.  I don't want to.  I enjoy smoking.  And so there it is.  I'm not going to feel guilty, or think of myself as something less than those who do not. 

Well.  I don't want to dwell too much on not having a cigarette.  This only makes the withdrawal worse.  I think the chase

after a cigarette I can not afford is worse than not smoking.

Another Blog.

Yes indeed. Another blog that will never get filled up with any words. Hopefully not true. I've been so obsessed on trying to figure out what a particular blog I start should contain. Is there a theme. Are there any interested readers. Or is it just a diary for me. A visual one at that.

I suppose it's the latter. I don't want to go arounds desperately trying to promote my views. If someone stumbles upon it great. I think this way I can say whatever the hell I like about whomever I like, (initials or fictional names of course.)