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The very purpose of existence is to reconcile the glowing opinion we hold of ourselves with the appalling things that other people think about us.

Quentin Crisp

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Susan Boyle's debut album tops Britain's charts

Susan Boyle's debut album tops Britain's charts

You go Susan Boyle. The press has been so mean to her. Saying she's breaking down, can't handle the pressure. Maybe this is true. But just imagine coming from a small villiage, more or less protected from the hatred and cynicism of the world and then to become launched into a sea of fans and cameras and a mean media. I don't think many of us could handle it any better than she.

Admittedly, she's no Streisand, but she is good. It's a strange phemomenon that when someone becomes successful by their own merits there's a mob who can't wait to chop them down. Speaking of Streisand. The same was done to her.

Will Susan have a lasting career? Or will this success be a flash in the pan? Who knows. The cynics hope not, unlike those who dream.

I give her credit where credit is due.

I like the album. The arrangements are a tad slow. All of them! It's a nice easy listening album.

So, Susan, you go girl! Rise above those who say it can't be.

I think you're doing a good job of it now.

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