Sub Title

The very purpose of existence is to reconcile the glowing opinion we hold of ourselves with the appalling things that other people think about us.

Quentin Crisp

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Don't know why Windows Live Writer won't let me post.  Something to do with max reached. All the topics that interest usMarilyn Monroe's chest x-ray sells for a cool $45,000

State aid cut for dental services |

State aid cut for dental services |

The state will save 30 mil by cutting necessary dental care. What they are saying is: "They can't eat meat, so let them eat cake." 30mil. Bastards

Friday, June 25, 2010

MSM Monitor: Provincetown's Perverts

MSM Monitor: Provincetown's Perverts

The guy who wrote this has good points to raise. But 'Perverts" What an A-Hole!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Condom’s In Elementary School!

Buy the exclamation mark in the title, it’s obvious I’m dead against such a stupid plan in Provincetown.  What the hell does a 7th grader need with a condom.  They’re doing it at that age? What were these idiots thinking?  I’m progressive, but that’s pushing it to the limit.

Provincetown has hardly been on the map when it comes to the general population of the States.  Well.  We’re on the map now, and not for the right reasons.  What a shame and a travesty this decision is.

Critical iPhone 4 Issues and Complaints Are Mounting

Critical iPhone 4 Issues and Complaints Are Mounting

Is it any surprise? Even if I had the money I wouldn't buy another Iphone. 1,2,3,4 Not happy with the original I have. Why would these be any better?

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Decision to close bars at 1:45 a.m. stirs up P'town |

Decision to close bars at 1:45 a.m. stirs up P'town |

Greed, and more greed, by one person who simply wants to sell more $9.00 cocktails for as long as he can so "the workers have time to have a drink before they go to bed." BS.
If he cares so much about the workers, he'd see that it means 45 minutes less sleep. And if a worker has to be at work in the morning. Well that sucks!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

An Appetite For The Theatre

I became homeless in London.  By no ones fault but  my own.  I was starving to get into the theater. In my homeless travels, of park benches and empty fruit stalls, I met a very peculiar, nice man.  He gave me a hot bath and all the tea I wanted. He introduced  me to a leading actress who could introduce me to the important people theatre . A man with connections.   His uncle, or great,  worked for the Twining Tea Company.  He had a  closet chock full of Twining tea. I didn’t realize at the time, he had a few tawdry things in that closest as well.  Put it this way, being spanked by someone with influence was not my cup of tea. 

  So.   I ran away.

The Kindle won

The Kindle won

I glad for consumers that the price of the Kindle went down, just like the Iphone. Hate to admit I'm one of the (first adopters) fools who had to have the first Iphone and paid full price for that and the Kindle.
Oh well. I'll wait from now on for price drops.