Sub Title

The very purpose of existence is to reconcile the glowing opinion we hold of ourselves with the appalling things that other people think about us.

Quentin Crisp

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Fighting the Demons

Lqying her after a few drinks and way to many smokes , and thinking how I'm going tonsticknto my guns and do something a about my life and actually do something positive with my life

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Political Ads

There should be a law that says political campaigns can only broadcast one ad an hour. Or better yet, get rid of them all

Sarah Palin gives clearest indication she will run for president in 2012 - Telegraph

God forbid!

Sarah Palin gives clearest indication she will run for president in 2012 - Telegraph

Cell phone 'time traveler' seen in silent film -

As cool as it might sound to see someone using a cell phone in the '20’s, it’s highly unlikely, and is merely a earing aid.  Those tubular instruments.

Check out this site about the history at



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PBS, science, myth, technology.

Cell phone 'time traveler' seen in silent film -

Politics in high gear.

Voting is in less than a week and all is in high gear and getting very nasty.  Like so many, I’m sick and tired of the television ads.  Most of them are negative, and many a half-truths.

I know I’m voting, but the sad thing is a majority of Americans won’t get off their fat asses to go to the polls, but will continue to bitch throughout the year about the state of affairs.  Vote, or shut up!

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Dump That Blog

Think I'm going close out my blog the Mahu Scribe. See no sense in paying 11 dollars a month for something I hardly use.