Sub Title

The very purpose of existence is to reconcile the glowing opinion we hold of ourselves with the appalling things that other people think about us.

Quentin Crisp

Monday, April 26, 2010

Oil rig leak could take 2 weeks to plug - Green

Oil rig leak could take 2 weeks to plug - Green

I think extending off shore drilling is the one issue brought up by Obama I'm against and a little disappointed in Obama for even contemplating.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Dying Homeless Man Who Stopped Mugging Ignored on Sidewalk - ABC News

Dying Homeless Man Who Stopped Mugging Ignored on Sidewalk - ABC News

This story makes me SO mad!! It's a wonderful world, but it also sucks sometimes. All those who ignored him should be arrested and put in jail for insensitivity and disgracing the basic decency of the human race.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

obama you're the top, you're the Coliseum
This toilet wall comedy is far from amusing. I never thought
#Kathy Griffin was funny. She tries too hard to be funny, and once again, fails. I take it she's trying to raise awarness, but I suspect this exhibitionismhas more to do with raising hers.. She got mine. She's still not funny. Get the hook.
Free speech isn't free. It costs decency and respect.
New Mexico cat lost for 8 months found in Chicago - then scores free flight home

Read more: +amazing!
George Washington racks up late fees at NY library - U.S. news-

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Tea Party

I'm sure most Tea Party members take their tea White(w/milk). They certainly wouldn't take it black.

IceRocket Tags: ,

Sunday, April 4, 2010

In Easter Mass, Vatican Defends Benedict -

In Easter Mass, Vatican Defends Benedict -

A senior Vatican cardinal defended Pope Benedict during an Easter Mass in St. Peter's Square attended by the pope, dismissing criticism of the pontiff's handling of the sexual-abuse crisis as "gossip."
GOSSIP?? What frigging planet are they on? They should all be strung up in the Basilica.